Dental Blog
Simple Ways To Prepare For Your Braces
Simple Ways To Prepare For Your Braces Things You Need To Do Before Getting Braces In Arizona For many people, getting braces was once an uncomfortable symbol of teenage awkwardness that would be immortalized in their high school yearbooks. Teens are always relieved to learn that this isn’t the case anymore! Instead, getting braces from a dentist office has turned into an exciting rite of passage for kids in [...]
Identifying The Source & Treating Tooth Sensitivity
Identifying The Source & Treating Tooth Sensitivity Gilbert Dentists Explain Everything You Need To Know About Sensitive Teeth I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! While most people love a refreshing ice cream cone, if you are one of the millions of Americans suffering from tooth sensitivity, you may find yourself cringing instead at the thought of something cold sliding past your sensitive teeth. It’s important [...]
The Bigger Role Missing Teeth Can Play On Your Health
The Bigger Role Missing Teeth Can Play On Your Health Our Gilbert Dentists Explain The Serious Health & Lifestyle Consequences A Missing Tooth Can Cause Imagine being unable to eat your favorite foods – maybe a perfectly grilled steak or a crisp apple – because you are missing one or more teeth. Or perhaps your smile with missing teeth is affecting your confidence and keeping you from landing your [...]
Combating Your Cavities With The Right Dental Fillings
Combating Your Cavities With The Right Dental Fillings Types Of Dental Fillings To Combat Tooth Decay: What’s Right For You? Even with regular dental care, you may still end up with a cavity, thanks to a combination of your diet, your genetics, your oral hygiene habits, and your overall health. You will need to make an appointment with your Gilbert dentist to inspect the tooth and determine the severity of [...]
How Gum Disease Can Affect Your Overall Health
How Gum Disease Can Affect Your Overall Health Health Risks Caused by Periodontal Disease You’ve heard your Gilbert dentist warn you about gum disease. You know that it is an abstract threat, but you just don’t think it’s a problem that can happen to you. Yet the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found in a 2012 study that nearly half of U.S. adults over the age of 30 are [...]
What is Crown Lengthening & Why Is It Essential?
What is Crown Lengthening & Why Is It Essential? How A Gum Shortening Procedure Can Help Fix Broken Teeth & Tooth Decay You may have gone in for a simple cavity or crown procedure, and had your dentist inform you of the need for a surgical procedure to have your crowns lengthened. What exactly does that mean? Is it really necessary? Here is more information about why your simple procedure [...]