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Dental Blog

3003, 2018

Preventative Dentistry and Visiting Your Dentist in Gilbert (Conclusion)

March 30th, 2018|Tags: , , , , |

Preventative Dentistry and Visiting Your Dentist in Gilbert (Conclusion) One of our goals is to always be a pain-free dentist in Gilbert. Call a Pain-Free Dentist in Gilbert | (480) 503-5467 What is a Pain-Free Dentist? As we covered previously, if you suffer from dental anxiety then you certainly are not alone. Many people are fear going to the dentist, so if you are it's completely understandable. The [...]

1603, 2018

Preventative Dentistry and Visiting Your Dentist in Gilbert (Continued)

March 16th, 2018|Tags: , , , , , , |

Preventative Dentistry and Visiting Your Dentist in Gilbert (Continued) As your dentist in Gilbert, I know all too well that visiting us is not high on your list of fun things to do. Going to a Dentist in Gilbert Doesn't Have to Be Painful | (480) 503-5467 Your Gilbert Dentist Can Help Remove Bad Teeth or Fix Them As we covered previously, when you have a toothache it's [...]

1901, 2018

Why It’s Important To Go To Your Gilbert Dentist On A Regular Basis (Contd.)

January 19th, 2018|Tags: , , , , , |

Why It's Important To Go To Your Gilbert Dentist On A Regular Basis (Contd.) A dentist in Gilbert also helps with emergency dental procedures and restorative dentistry. Call a Dentist in Gilbert | (480) 503-5467 What Happens If You Have a Tooth Go Bad? As we covered previously, even if you are fortunate enough to avoid dealing with a dangerous infection, ignoring dental problems will lead to tooth decay. [...]

2710, 2017

What Happens During a Dental Exam? (Additional Information)

October 27th, 2017|Tags: , , |

When you visit a dentist in Gilbert, a lot can happen during a dental exam. Call a Dentist in Gilbert | (480) 503-5467 It Starts With a Visit to Your Gilbert Dentist As your Gilbert dentist, the dental exam is the baseline of how to do treatment.  First off, it starts with X-Rays.  But that is only the beginning. * Oral cancer screening process: We examine the facial [...]

1310, 2017

What Happens During a Dental Exam? (Conclusion)

October 13th, 2017|Tags: , , , |

A dentist in Gilbert is a highly trained medical professional who will help you to avoid some dangerous health problems connected to your mouth. Visit Your Dentist in Gilbert and Improve Your Smile| Schedule an Appointment Today | (480) 503-5467 Prevent Oral Cancer: Be Proactive With Your Dental Health As we covered previously, the dentist will also do, what is termed, a soft tissue exam. The tongue, cheeks, palate, [...]

2909, 2017

What Happens During a Dental Exam? (Contd.)

September 29th, 2017|Tags: , , , , |

As a Gilbert dentist, I know just how important a dental exam is. A dental exam leads to the best dental care that you can get, and it is merely the beginning. As we covered previously, X-rays are taken on a varying basis depending of the oral status of the patient. A patient with a full mouth of fillings is perhaps more vulnerable so may require more frequent x-rays., every [...]

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