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Dental Blog

1603, 2018

Preventative Dentistry and Visiting Your Dentist in Gilbert (Continued)

March 16th, 2018|Tags: , , , , , , |

Preventative Dentistry and Visiting Your Dentist in Gilbert (Continued) As your dentist in Gilbert, I know all too well that visiting us is not high on your list of fun things to do. Going to a Dentist in Gilbert Doesn't Have to Be Painful | (480) 503-5467 Your Gilbert Dentist Can Help Remove Bad Teeth or Fix Them As we covered previously, when you have a toothache it's [...]

1901, 2018

Why It’s Important To Go To Your Gilbert Dentist On A Regular Basis (Contd.)

January 19th, 2018|Tags: , , , , , |

Why It's Important To Go To Your Gilbert Dentist On A Regular Basis (Contd.) A dentist in Gilbert also helps with emergency dental procedures and restorative dentistry. Call a Dentist in Gilbert | (480) 503-5467 What Happens If You Have a Tooth Go Bad? As we covered previously, even if you are fortunate enough to avoid dealing with a dangerous infection, ignoring dental problems will lead to tooth decay. [...]

2710, 2017

What Happens During a Dental Exam? (Additional Information)

October 27th, 2017|Tags: , , |

When you visit a dentist in Gilbert, a lot can happen during a dental exam. Call a Dentist in Gilbert | (480) 503-5467 It Starts With a Visit to Your Gilbert Dentist As your Gilbert dentist, the dental exam is the baseline of how to do treatment.  First off, it starts with X-Rays.  But that is only the beginning. * Oral cancer screening process: We examine the facial [...]

1310, 2017

What Happens During a Dental Exam? (Conclusion)

October 13th, 2017|Tags: , , , |

A dentist in Gilbert is a highly trained medical professional who will help you to avoid some dangerous health problems connected to your mouth. Visit Your Dentist in Gilbert and Improve Your Smile| Schedule an Appointment Today | (480) 503-5467 Prevent Oral Cancer: Be Proactive With Your Dental Health As we covered previously, the dentist will also do, what is termed, a soft tissue exam. The tongue, cheeks, palate, [...]

2909, 2017

What Happens During a Dental Exam? (Contd.)

September 29th, 2017|Tags: , , , , |

As a Gilbert dentist, I know just how important a dental exam is. A dental exam leads to the best dental care that you can get, and it is merely the beginning. As we covered previously, X-rays are taken on a varying basis depending of the oral status of the patient. A patient with a full mouth of fillings is perhaps more vulnerable so may require more frequent x-rays., every [...]

1509, 2017

What Happens During a Dental Exam?

September 15th, 2017|Tags: , , |

As a dentist in Gilbert, a question I get a lot is: "what happens during a dental exam?"  This is fairly normal.  After all, most patients have a bit of apprehension about visiting the dentist. Call Your Gilbert Dentist to Schedule a Dental Exam | (480) 503-5467 A Dental Exam Is Nothing to Be Scared Of Let me stress that right up front.  A dental exam is nothing [...]

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