Part two of a series on dental pain explores cosmetic reasons why you should get into a dentist.

Dental Pain and It’s Effect on the Body

A Family Dentist in Gilbert Can Help With Preventative Dental Care | (480) 503-5467

A Family Dentist in Gilbert Can Help With Preventative Dental Care | (480) 503-5467

No matter who we are, we all share certain things in common.  For one thing, we are mortal.  Like a good story, our lives have a beginning, a middle, an end.  While many of the things that cause aging are still a mystery, there is one thing that is a proven cause of aging and that is exposure to constant and persistent pain.  There are different pain triggers in the body, however, one of the most painful is exposure to dental pain.
A natural response to pain of any sort is to tighten the face muscles.  As a result of constant tightening and loosening, your facial muscles lose elasticity and guess what, you start getting lines and wrinkles.  And if the pain is severe enough, your facial lines will be deep.  However, while reducing the effects of aging is a good reason, it isn’t the best reason to treat dental pain immediately.

Why You Need to Take Dental Pain Seriously

As we discussed in our last article, dental pain means that the dental nerve is inflamed and is sending pain impulses to the brain and putting stress on your body.  In some cases this stress can endanger your life.  Dental pain is about 1,000 times stronger than a lot of other pain your body will experience.  With pain also comes the risk of infection.  And infections in the mouth can cause even more problems.
So, take any pain you’re experiencing seriously.  See a doctor if you have pain anywhere in your body.  And if you have pain in your mouth, then see a family dentist as soon as possible.
This concludes part two of our series.  Be sure to read part one as well.
Gilbert Vista Dental Care
2451 East Baseline Road #210
Gilbert, AZ 85234
(480) 503-5467