As your dentist in Gilbert, I think you should know some important information regarding gingivitis. Oh, I know what you’re thinking. Bleeding gums? A bit of bad breath? So what? Do I really need to floss? In a word, yes, and here’s why…
What is Gingivitis?
What is gingivitis? According to WebMD:
“If you’ve noticed that your gums are a little red and sore, don’t brush it off. You might have gingivitis, the mildest form of gum disease.
Most people get gingivitis at some point in their lives, and its mild symptoms make it easy to ignore. But without treatment, it can turn into bigger problems for your mouth. The good news is you can reverse or even prevent it by simply brushing your teeth and flossing.
What Causes Gingivitis?
When you forget to brush, floss, and rinse with mouthwash, a sticky film of bacteria and food called plaque builds up around your teeth. The gunk releases acids that attack your teeth’s outer shell, called enamel, and cause decay. After 72 hours, plaque hardens into tartar, which forms along the gum line and makes it hard to clean your teeth and gums completely. Eventually this buildup irritates and inflames your gums, causing gingivitis.
What Are the Symptoms?
You can have gingivitis and not know it. Over time you may notice:
Red, swollen, or purplish gums. Healthy gums should appear pink and firm.
Bleeding gums. You may see blood on your toothbrush or when you spit out toothpaste.
Sore gums that are tender to the touch
Mouth sores
If you think you may have gingivitis, you can take some simple steps to reverse it. Start by looking at your oral health habits to figure out where you could do better. Do you always skip brushing before bed or forget to floss? If so, put reminder notes on the bathroom mirror.
Mouthwash is a big help in treating the disease. Make sure you use one that’s labeled as antigingivitis, antibacterial, or antiseptic. If you can’t remember which kind to buy, ask a pharmacist for help.
If it’s been 6 months since you last saw the dentist, set up a cleaning to remove tartar and plaque buildup from your teeth. Ask your dentist about the proper way to brush — bearing down too hard or missing spots can lead to gingivitis. After a cleaning, your gums should get better within a week or so as long as you brush twice a day, and floss and rinse once a day.” [READ SOURCE ARTICLE HERE]
Gingivitis and Your Overall Health
In one of our previous articles, there is a big connection between gingivitis and heart disease. This is due largely to inflammation.
Hard to believe that something as simple as your gums can affect your heart as well. But it makes sense. All of your bodies are interconnected after all. So don’t take any risks, schedule a dental exam today.
Gilbert Vista Dental Care
2451 East Baseline Road #210
Gilbert, AZ 85234
(480) 503-5467
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