lumineersLumineers are the pain free approach to enhance the gorgeous,  natural, perfectly white smile within you.
Ultra-thin LUMINEERS are made specifically for you and you along to provide you with the perfect smile you’ve always dreamed about. Lumineers are different from the normal veneers you might be familiar with.  With Lumineers, there’s not painful shots, drilling or discomfort at all.

Lumineers Give You A Perfect Smile – Painlessly

You can even have Lumineers removed in the future whereas veneers cannot be remove withougt being replaced. A completely new white smile is easy to achieve with Lumineers and they last for over 20 years typically so your new smile will be with you for a long time to come.

LUMINEERS with LUMINATE in LUMITray Technology

And today, besides just Lumineers, you can check with your dentist about the new LUMINATE in LUMITray Technology.  This amazing new innovation allows us to put your veneers on simultaneously instead of one by one. That means less time at our office.  Creating your new smile really can’t be any easier than this.  We offer a digital design and preview or your new smile so you’ll know what to expect.  The whole Lumineer process only takes 2 visits to completely tranform your smile. That’s right!  2 Simple office visits and your beautiful smile is revealed to the world.
It doesn’t matter if you choose the Lumineers or the Lumineers with LUMINATE in new LUMITray Technology; on the first visit we take a mold of your teeth.  Then you can choose the shade for your new permanently white smile.  On the next visit, your digitally designed LUMINEERS are fitted and inspected and then painlessly installed.  A perfectely white, beautiful, healthy smile in only 2 visits.  Call today to schedule a consultation with us today. 480-503-5467.